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American cuisine with a lot of heart(2) - Cowboy Letter in Arizona ♬American cuisine with a lot of heart Cowboy Letter in Arizona♬ American cuisine with a lot of heart Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.1~ Yukgaejang and rice bread, soy milk , blueberry, strawberry french fries, egg roll, kimchi, seaweed dumpling and rice Dos Equis beer .....cheers!! A nutritious meal full of nutrients Veggi hamburger fried chicken and potato pizza basil bread stir fried tofu cur..
American cuisine with a lot of heart(1) - Cowboy Letter in Arizona ♬American cuisine with a lot of heart Cowboy Letter in Arizona♬ American cuisine with a lot of heart Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.15~ Asiana Airlines inflight meal (ICN →Sanfrancisco) Asiana Airlines inflight meal (ICN →Sanfrancisco) Asiana Airlines inflight coffee (ICN →Sanfrancisco) Dos Equis beer- Mexican beer Bulgogi - corn raw vegetables- Stir-fried beef with red pepper paste fried rice..
Sweepng leaves in front of the house- Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.8 ♬Sweepng leaves in front of the house Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.8♬ Sweepng leaves in front of the house Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.8 After removing the leaves, it became clean. There are a lot of fallen leaves in front of the house. We need to clear the leaves for the beauty of the neighborhood. Remove the leaves using broom, dustpan, trash can. http://kwon-blog2.tistory.com 여행과인생♡ ..
Waste Management- Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.30 ♬Waste Management Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.30 trash container♬ Waste Management Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.30 Chandler, Arizona Waiting for pickup black colored trash container General waste that cannot be recycled. Pick up every Wednesday Each container has a unique number Trash conainers lined up in a a row in front of the house Trash container pick up vehicle 쓰레기통을 내다 놓을 때 방향이 중..
레몬 나무 전지- Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.6 ♬레몬 나무 전지 Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.6♬ 레몬 나무 전지 Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.6 Chandler, Arizona 레몬 나무를 전지한 나뭇가지와 덜 익은 레몬 노르스름한 레몬 요것도 간단하게 전지했어요! 땅에 착 달라붙은 이 나무도 전지와 정리를 깔끔하게 했어요! 여기저기 잘도 자라는 땅빈대 풀 제거 수요일에 가져가는 재활용불가 쓰레기를 담은 black trash container 이런 일을 할 때는 전지가위가 제일이랍니다... 볼트가 화단에서 냄새를 맡고 있어요!! 오전에는 전지를 하고 오후에는 텃밭을 정리하고 홈디포에서 바질을 사서 심었어요! 바질 Sweet Bazil 심기- Cowboy letter in Arizona 2..
The Home Depot- Cowboy Letter in Arizona ♬The Home Depot Cowboy Letter in Arizona ♬ The Home Depot Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.23 / 12.6 2530 E Germann Rd, Chandler, AZ 85286, USA T. (480)786-5402 charcoal $23.69 가정용 장비와 원예용품 크리스마스 장식품 ..........없는 게 없어요!! The Christmas season has come! Barbecue grill Charcoal grill for thanksgiving day turkey roasting 2022.12.6 이건 좀 좋은 바베큐 그릴이군요....가격이 좀 비싸죠? 크리스마스 장식품을 많이 팔고 있네요..... 소백산에서 쓰려고 전..
대빨이형 미국횡단 자전거 여행 코스 정리 ♬대빨이형 미국횡단 자전거 여행 코스 Cross-American bike tour route 정리♬ 대빨이형 미국횡단 자전거 여행 코스 Cross-American bike tour route 5,000km 정리 ○대빨이형: 김병기, 92.8.31 生,원주, 성당, 구독자 5.26만명, "도전하며 여행하는 놈입니다!" ○ https://www.youtube.com/@daebbari 대빨이형 Daebbari 인생은 재미있게 살거야 약대빨의 인생도전기 www.youtube.com ●유튜브 수익: 7월 594,901월 / 8월 758,027원 / 9월 2,560,238원 / 10월 4,208,688원 ●미국 대륙 횡단 자전거 여행 코스(Cross-continental bike tour of the USA) : ..
Oh Victory Korea~ Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.2 ♬Oh Victory Korea Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.2♬ Oh Victory Korea~ Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.2 Sad look Ronaldo This World Cup is hard to predict because there are so many surprises. The moment victory is confirmed.... Rejoicing Korean spectators RejoicingH hwang Heechan Rejoicing Son Heung min Uruguay beat Ghana 2-0 So, korea's advance to the round f 16 has been confirmed. The Urugu..
2022 FIFA World Cup USA- Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.30 ♬2022 FIFA World Cup USA- Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.30♬ 2022 FIFA World Cup USA Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.30 와~미국을 세계 랭킹 10위까지 올려놓았네요 ^^ 12월 3일 토요일 오전 9시 네덜란드와의 16강전이 미국전체 분위기를 끌어올리고 있어요!! The atmosphere is rising!! http://kwon-blog2.tistory.com 여행과인생♡ 인생은 여행이다! Life is a journey! Now & Here! Today is a gift! 여행이야기, 맛집 탐방, 결혼주례, 웃음치료, 재미있는 퀴즈, 건배사, 생활정보 kwon-blog2.tistory.com
Park Walk- Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.28 ♬Park Walk Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.28♬ Park Walk Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.28~12.1 Chander, AZ Flowers that look like a rose They are pretty... The clouds are beautiful in the clear sky. Arizona license plates Clear skies and clean streams Oh! beautiful.... Houses lined up side by side Quiet residencial area Snowman doll Christmas season has come! Christmas Decorations A carriage..
Hunting Boots- Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.30 ♬Hunting Boots Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.30♬ Hunting Boots Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.30 Shoes that are easy to put on and take off It's comfortable because I don't have to tie a string No worries about getting bitten by a snake These are sturdy shoes When I go back to Sobaeksan, I can wear them well ^^ Good!! hunting boots ozark trail outdoor equipment walmart 에서 인터넷 구매, 싸게 샀어요! $2..
Two Dogs- Cowboy letter in Arizona, 2022.11.18 ♬Two Dogs Lyla Bolt Cowboy letter in Arizona, 2022.11.18♬ Two Dogs Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.18 There are two dogs in this house. One is Lyla, female, seven years old. Lyla is greyhound crossbreed, scared dog. Another is Bolt, male, five years old. Bolt is husky crossbreed , brave, fast as Usain Bolt. When he sees a dog, a duck or a bird, he barks and chases them. At this time, the dog mu..
Christmas Season- Cowboy Letter in Arizona ♬Christmas Season Cowboy Letter in Arizona♬ Christmas Season Cowboy Letter in Arizona Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa....etc.....Arizona ▼집앞의 크리스마스 장식 ▼상점의 크리스마스 용품 판매 Store sells Christmas items every day. Fry's maketplace 2022.11.23 Chandler, AZ The Home Depot 2022.11.23, Chandler, Arizona 2022.11.25 Albertsons OSCO, Chandler 2022.11.25 five BELOW "5달러 아래로 살 수 있는 물건들이 수두룩해요~" ▼Christmas Carol in the c..
T.J. MAXX-Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.25 ♬TJ MAXX 애리조나 주 길버트의 백화점 Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.25♬ TJ MAXX Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.25 3787 S Gilbert Rd. Gilbert. AZ 85297. U.S.A T.(480)857-3520 오후 10시에 영업종료 세련된 유명 브랜드의 의류, 신발, 엑세서리와 가정용품을 판매하는 소매 체인점 옷 입어 보는 곳 크리스마스 시즌이 왔어요! http://kwon-blog2.tistory.com 여행과인생♡ 인생은 여행이다! Life is a journey! Now & Here! Today is a gift! 여행이야기, 맛집 탐방, 결혼주례, 웃음치료, 재미있는 퀴즈, 건배사, 생활정보 kwon-blog2..
Park Walk-Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.18~ ♬Park Walk Cowboy Letter in Arizona Layton Lakes♬ Park Walk Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.18 Cowboy Letter in Arizona ※Park Walk In the United States, it is common to go for a walk in the morning or daytime. Dogs love it and baby loves it too. The park is wide and the flowers like pink muhly are beautiful. But Parents who have to take care of their child with big dogs are sometimes difficult...
MASKADORES TACO SHOP- Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.26 ♬MASKADORES TACO SHOP Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.26♬ MASKADORES TACO SHOP Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.26 2100 W Chandler Blvd Ste. 38, Chandler., Arizona 85224. U.S.A *maskadores: 가면을 쓰는 사람들 마침 TV에서 멕시코와 아르헨티나의 월드컵 축구경기가 열리고 있어서 멕시코를 치켜 줬더니 주인 부부가 아주 좋아 하네요.....축구 라면 열정이 대단합니다!! 와~ 메뉴 중에서 8번, 11번, 13번을 선택했어요! Bean, corn, 토마토, 각종 야채, 고기 등이 어우러져 씹히는 식감이 고소하고 맛깔납니다!! 양도 충분하네요....^^ 타코 씹는..
