미국여행 (233) 썸네일형 리스트형 Meadowbrook park walk- Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.15~ ♬Park walk Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.15♬ Park walk Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.15~ Meadowbrook Park, City of Chandler 메도브룩(미도우 브룩) 공원 *meadow: 초지, 채초지, 잔디나 푸른 식물을 경작하는 곳, 녹비나 사료 등을 얻기 위하여 풀을 베어 내는 땅 *brook: 개울, 실개천, 골짜기나 들에서 흘러내리는 작은 물줄기. 약간의 난류를 일으키면서 연속적으로 흘러내리는작고 수심이 얕은 개울. mailbox plumbing construction Chilly weather.... The perceived temperature has gone down by 1 degree C. They.. LAYTON LAKES- Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.2~ ♬LAYTON LAKES Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.2♬ LAYTON LAKES Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.2~ Chandler, Arizona Gilbert Fountain Repair 이 집에는 분수가 있는 모양이죠? red, pretty flower like a rose Century Link Internet .... Irrigation .................Recycled Water...Do not Drink.......No BEBA (Beber: drink) Bolt pooping Dog habbit of urinating and marking his territory He is raking the grass with hi.. American cuisine with a lot of heart(3)- Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.15 ♬American cuisine with a lot of heart Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.15 베이글 Bagel♬ American cuisine with a lot of heart Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.15 Bagel 베이글 도넛형의 딱딱한 롤빵. 유대인의 전통적인 빵으로, 발효시킨 반죽을 살짝 데쳐서 구워 낸다. 특유한 탄력이 있으며 크림 치즈나 훈제한 연어를 곁들여 먹는 경우가 많다. Dumplings carefully made by hand Bibim Noodles Grilled Salmon Sweet potat, grapes Rabokki Costco chicken waffle potato hot dog chicken co.. 애리조나 스코츠데일 호프만 사진 ♬애리조나 스코츠데일 호프만 사진♬ 애리조나 스코츠데일 호프만 사진 2019.5.18 2022.12.10 이번 스코츠데일 방문에서 구입한 것은 인디애나 존스 해리슨 포드 모자 였지만....... 한국에서 미국가면 사고 싶었던 모자는 Arizona Cowboy 모자와 "Arizona Cowboy" 캐리가 새겨진 셔츠 였어요.... 한국으로 돌아가기 전까지 애리조나 카우보이 모자와 티셔츠를 살 수 있을 지는 저도 모르겠어요.... 그리고 제3의 Shooting goods은 무엇이 될 지.......저도 궁금하네요......ㅎ.ㅎㅎ http://kwon-blog2.tistory.com 여행과인생♡ 인생은 여행이다! Life is a journey! Now & Here! Today is a gift! 여행이야기.. Scottsdale tour- Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.10 ♬Scottsdale tour Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.10 애리조나 주도 피닉스 외곽 스코츠데일 쇼핑♬ Scottsdale tour Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.10 스코츠데일에서 인디애나존스 모자와 그랜드캐년 로고티셔츠 구입 기념 사진 촬영 챈들러에서 202번 고속도로를 타고 30분 정도 가면 도착하는 old fashioned, but rich town Scottsdale에 도착합니다!! Arriving in Scottsdale, this building welcomes us. Arizona is grand canyon state!! Old town with downtown, Scottsdale!! Arizona Shirts cowgir.. Physical Training- Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.3 ♬Physical Training Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.3♬ Physical Training Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.3 Chandler, AZ full body massage upper body exercise Physical fitness is essential to living abroad for a long time. push-ups Physical strength is national strength. http://kwon-blog2.tistory.com 여행과인생♡ 인생은 여행이다! Life is a journey! Now & Here! Today is a gift! 여행이야기, 맛집 탐방, 결혼주례, 웃음치료, 재미있는 .. Indiana Jones hat & Grand Canyon shirts shopping- Cowboy Letter in Ariznona 2022.12.10 ♬Indiana Jones hat Grand Canyon shirts shopping Cowboy Letter in Ariznona 2022.12.10♬ Indiana Jones hat & Grand Canyon shirts shopping Cowboy Letter in Ariznona 2022.12.10 Scottsdale Southwest gifts & Apparel 3937 N Brown Avenue Scottsdale, AZ 85251. U.S.A T.480-949-9521 Weathered Shape Outback-BRN $44.99 +City & State Sales Tax $3.62(8%) Total: $48.61 원화로 63,000원 정도 하네요.. 원래는 Cowboy 모자를 사러 갔으나 .. 호프만 사진- Cowboy Letter in Arizona ♬호프만 사진 호프만사진♬ Arizona 호프만 사진 ▽ICN ▽Sanfrancisco ▽Phoenix ▽2022.11.17 Costco ▽2022.11.18 Layton Lakes Park Walk ▽2022.11.19 Red Robin Burger, Chandler ▽2022.11.20 My grandson's first birthday ▽2022.11.21 Layton Lakes Park Walk ▽2022.11.22 Cutting branches of a tree ▽2022.11.24 Thanksgiving Day Barbecue Party ▽2022.11.26 Layton Lakes Park Walk Maskadores Taco Shop, Chandler 2019.5.18 Shakeshack 2.. H MART- Cow Boy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.10 ♬H MART Cow Boy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.10♬ H MART Cow Boy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.10 H Mart Mesa 1919 W Main St. Mesa, AZ 85201. U.S.A 한국 식료품점 오전 9시에 영업시작 청경채 靑莖菜 중국 배추의 일종으로 중국 요리에 약방의 감초처럼 빠지지 않고 사용되는 채소입니다 Korea Rice Cake TOFU Shin Noodle Soup Curry Sauce Spicy Black Bean Sauce Tuna Wasabi Sauce Fresh Pork Marinated Chicken Swewers Teri Kimchi Rice with Korean Thistle Hot Dog BTS Tiny TA.. Costco(2)- Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.9 ♬Costco shopping Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.9♬ Costco(2) wholesale Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.9 2887 S Market St. Gilbert, AZ 85297. U.S.A Beef is cheap! 와~$4.99..... organic french beans pumpkin pie Centrum Silver Men 50+ (tistory.com) Centrum Silver Men 50+ ♬Centrum Silver Men 50+♬ Centrum Silver Men 50+ Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplement Supports: heart, brain, eye, muscle,fun.. Centrum Silver Men 50+ ♬Centrum Silver Men 50+♬ Centrum Silver Men 50+ Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplement Supports: heart, brain, eye, muscle,function 275 Tablets *Expiration date: 1 year (So, we should only buy the right amount) *Usage: 1 tablet per day Comparison of prices in Korea and U.S.A Costco of U.S.A: $0.09 per tablet → $24.99(275 tablets, 35,000won) Costco of Korea: $0.23 (330 won) per tablet ※exchange r.. Costco Shopping(1)-Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.17 ♬Costco Shopping-Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.17 Dos Equis♬ Costco Shopping Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.17 2887 S. Market St. Gilbert, AZ 85297. USA DOS EQUIS-Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.11.16 (tistory.com) Mexican Beer Dos Equis- Dos Equis Special Lager You can feel the refreshing and clean taste, light yet fresh malt taste, scent alive. "청량하고 깔끔한 맛, 가벼우면서도 상큼한 맥아의 맛, 향이 살아 있는 것을 느낄 .. Hobby Lobby - Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.9 ♬Hobby Lobby Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.9♬ Hobby Lobby Crafts, Home Accents, Seasonal Cowboy Letter in Arizona 2022.12.9 4095 S Gilbert Rd Suite 106, Gilbert, AZ 85297. U.S.A 오전 9시에 영업 시작 There are many people who come to buy Christmas goods. ▼2019.5.19 방문했던 곳!! https://kwon-blog.tistory.com/3305 [미국 애리조나 여행]HOBBY LOBBY-CRAFTS,HOME ACCENTS, SEASONAL ♬미국 애리조나 여행 HOBBY LOBBY♬ 재고처리상품 가격이 무지 싸.. My grandson's First birthday Party 2022.11.20 ♬My grandson's First birthday Party 2022.11.20♬ My grandson's First birthday Party 2022.11.20 ♡I came from Korea for my grandson's first birthday party, and today's first birthday party went well. The grandson's parents, grandfather, grandmother, maternal grandmother, maternal uncle, daycare teacher, and her friend.... eight persons congratulated the baby. ♡In the future, I hope that our grandso.. Dollar Tree- Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.9 ♬Dollar Tree Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.9♬ Dollar Tree 달러 트리 한국의 다이소 같은 곳 Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.12.9 Dollar Tree 달러 트리 천원샵 2600 W Chandler Blvd Se 4, Chandler, Arizona, U.S.A 오후 10시에 영업 종료 한국의 다이소 같은 곳 http://kwon-blog2.tistory.com 여행과인생♡ 인생은 여행이다! Life is a journey! Now & Here! Today is a gift! 여행이야기, 맛집 탐방, 결혼주례, 웃음치료, 재미있는 퀴즈, 건배사, 생활정보 kwon-blog2.tistory.com Story Walk of Chandler park- Cowboy letter in Arizona ♬Story Walk of Chandler park Cowboy letter in Arizona♬ Story Walk of Chandler park Cowboy letter in Arizona Welcome to storyWalk Walk, read,and enjoy an adventure together. Chandler public Library Chandler Arizona Chandler, Arizona I wish you more... Follow the numberd signs 1-17 Share your storywalk adventure #CPLStoryWalk What makes you happy? Look up at the sky- What do you notice? Find three.. 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 다음