♬Park Walk Cowboy letter in Arizona 2022.11.28♬
Park Walk
Cowboy letter in Arizona
Chander, AZ
Flowers that look like a rose
They are pretty...
The clouds are beautiful in the clear sky.
Arizona license plates
Clear skies and clean streams
Oh! beautiful....
Houses lined up side by side
Quiet residencial area
Snowman doll
Christmas season has come!
Christmas Decorations
A carriage doll loaded with christmas gifts
Getting ready christmas decorations
water drain
Peaceful landscape...
Where colored herbicides were applied
Basketball hoop
A caretaker spraying herbicides
Beach volleyball court
Oh.....Beautiful Sky....
Sunny weather....13 degrees Celsius
The water in the desert area is amazing!
The ducks look happy^^
There are hardly any people walking around....
a beautiful flower resembling a rose
American pine
park management vehicle
오늘 따라 많이 떠다니는 경비행기....그리고 구름길....
하늘이 맑고 청명해서 사진이 아주 선명해요!
오늘 Today
밤새 안녕이라는 말이 있지요.
There is a saying it's okay all night.
아침에 무사히 눈을 뜬다는 것은 얼마나 감사한 일인지요!
How grateful it is to wake up safely this morning.
아침에 새들이 지저귀는 소리를 들으며 잠에서 깨어난다는 것은 얼마나 행복한 일인지요?
How happy it is to wake up in the morning to the chirping of birds.
오늘은 신이 나에게 준 고귀한 선물입니다.
Today is a noble gift from God to me.
오늘 이 시간은 평생 다시 못 올 시간!
This time today is a time that will never come again in a lifetime!
오늘 하루도 소풍 날처럼 즐겁게 지내요.
Have a happy today as if it were a picnic day.
그리고 잠자리에 들 때는 무사한 하루를 주신 하느님께 감사드려요.
And when you go to bed, thank God for a safe day.
"Thanks, God!!" ^^💕
인생은 여행이다! Life is a journey! Now & Here! Today is a gift! 여행이야기, 맛집 탐방, 결혼주례, 웃음치료, 재미있는 퀴즈, 건배사, 생활정보
'미국여행' 카테고리의 다른 글
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