♬Two Dogs Lyla Bolt Cowboy letter in Arizona, 2022.11.18♬
Two Dogs
Cowboy letter in Arizona
There are two dogs in this house. One is Lyla, female, seven years old.
Lyla is greyhound crossbreed, scared dog.
Another is Bolt, male, five years old.
Bolt is husky crossbreed , brave, fast as Usain Bolt.
When he sees a dog, a duck or a bird, he barks and chases them.
At this time, the dog must be well controlled and managed.
※husky: A large, strong dog that pulls sleds.
Dogs sniffing hard. It is said that dogs also use SNS. That's why they like going for a walk a lot more than staying at home.
Dog Waste Station
Dog Waste Bag
Waste Can
"Dispose of Dog Waste here"
dog poop
a bag for dog poop
Car guide: "Dogs on board"
greedy eyes
1."Give me your leg"
"Good Boy"
2.공중에 던진 공 잡기 Catching a ball thrown in the air
3.코 만지기 Touch the nose
허스키 종의 활발한 개가 코를 만지자고 하니 얌전히 가만 코를 내주는 것이 신기합니다. 코로 땅을 헤치며 냄새를 맡다보니 코의 색깔이 검정에서 약간 탈색이 되었어요.^^
4.코 들이대기
먹을 거 달라고 팔 사이로 코를 들이대고 있어요 ㅋㅋ
'미국여행' 카테고리의 다른 글
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